Independent Baptst Church
Sunday School for all ages!
At 10:00am each Sunday the KJV Bible is taught in classes for Adults through the Nursery. Children learn Bible stories, memory verses and songs.
Children's Ministries
Two children's churches are provided for ages
3-5 yrs and 6-12 yrs old. Services are conducted on the child's level to help them prepare for being in adult services when they are older.
Patch the Pirate clubs for faithful children ages
6-12 on Sunday nights.
Bus Ministry
The Bible says Go into the streets and lanes of the city, and into the highways and hedges and to compel them to come in! Our bus ministry reaches the surrounding county and into the city of Wilson to bus children in that would not come unless we brought them. Many have been saved as a result of this ministry. Throughout the year there are special outreaches that bring young people to our services. ( Kids Krusades, Fall Festivals, Christmas programs, etc. )